Hello everyone! It is now February 1st. And you know what holiday is coming. Yes! It’s Valentine’s Day. If you have a date on this day. Good for you. But for the rest of us. If your single on this day. This year, make Valentine’s Day about you. I mean treat yourself to a spa day. Relax in a hot bubble bath with champagne. Read a book, do your favorite hobby. Like painting, gardening, or, listening to good music. Make this day about you. Because the first place to find love. Is to love yourself first. Once you love yourself you will open positivity in finding a man sooner. It may not happen on Valentine’s Day. But it will eventually happen. Everyone will have at least one true love.

Say this affirmation every morning, during February. While looking in the mirror. “I am beautiful, inside and out.” ” I will find love, this year.”

Invite your girlfriends over. And have an all girl slumber party.  Watch a good romantic comedy. Like: He’s Just Not that Into You, Sleepless in Seattle, The Notebook, or, any movie that is a love story.

Valentine’s Day is about love. And the best love, is to love yourself. If you don’t love yourself.  Than, you are depressed, and lonely. And Valentine’s Day you should be happy. I hope you liked this article. And Happy Valentine’s Day! <3