My Book List

Hello Everyone! I am back with another book club discussion. Back in January I listed the books in this years books on my list. I have read them all in reasonable time. And now I will discuss what I thought about them. Let’s Begin!

  1. Will, By Will Smith.

This book was an autobiography of Will Smith’s life. Growing up in a family that was abusive. But always managed to be a family. He talks about how his father William Smith made his kids build a wall for their family store.

What I found interesting was finding out Will Smith’s full name is Willard Smith. And that he was very smart in school. He was a good student and graduated top in his class. In Philidelphia. His mother wanted him to go to Engineering school. As his strongest subject was mathematics. But Will didn’t want to go to college. Instead he wanted to be a rapper entertainer.

He then had his first love Christine. Which he wanted to marry. But ended in a cheating scandle which resulted in fighting violently. So they broke up.

He also mentioned of moving to L.A. with his sidekick Jazzy Jeff the DJ. So he could persue his rap career. He then got into acting and found the role for the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. He talks about the casting crew. How he auditioned and met his fellow actors on the show. He described how each episode got aired. And began his acting career. He then convinced them that Jazzy Jeff join the show.

He then met his wife Sheree while acting for a major movie role. But unfortunately ended in divorce. But had his first son by her, named Jaden

Shortly after he married Jada Pinkett Smith and had his next kids Trey Smith and Willow Smith.

He talked about his surprise Birthday he gave Jada. I thought it was sweet.

The book ends with Will Smith Bungee jumping the Grand Canyon. It makes you laugh. I thought it was great!

2. My Killer Vacation. By: Tessa Bailey.

This was a very cute spicy love story. On the shore of Cape Cod. Taylor and her brother Jadan go on a summer vacation. While they checked into their rental house. They discover Spy holes in the ceiling of the bathroom. Like in a murder mystery movie. Only to find a dead body in the tiny closet.

They call the police about a dead body in their cabin. And then found themselves in a murder investigation. They have to stay because they are considered suspects.

When later a Bounty Hunter is supposed to protect them while on their vacation trip.

Taylor and Myles have a romance and the book got spicy graphic and sexual tension in the story.

Only by the end they had several suspects of the murder of Oscar. The Cabin Owner that was renting for guests. I wont spoil the real killer. But it is no one I suspected. Read it and find out!

3. Wall of Silence. By: Dorey Whitaker

This book was very suspensful but full of graphical scenes. It is about the murder trial of and abusive father. And the suspect is his daughter Lisa Miller.

The main character was Laura Miller. And it was a story of an abusive father and mother to their children.

Laura gets married to a rich handsom man. Which her mother never supported. And never visited after 15 years since their wedding. Laura marries Scott McMaven. And was a cute love story.

But Lisa turned to drugs and prostitution. Which lands her in jail a number of times. When she turns her life around. And gets clean of drugs and prostitution.

But now is accused of murdering her father. And with her past track record the police detained her in prison.

The ending is in complete shock that no one sees coming. The real suspect is revealed. But I wont spoil it. Read it for yourself and you will not be disappointed.

There are two more books in this series. And I hear they are really good. It will not disappoint!

4. Tales of India

This book was a book on short Indian fairy tales. Mostly about Prince’s and Princess’s. They were mostly about marrying into wealthy families. And becoming rich.

The stories were like riddles and folk tales told by Indian families. It talks about magic, plot twists, and talking animals. Most of them had the same theme. Only different outcomes or scenerio’s. It definately displays Indian heritage customs. It brought adventures into different parts of India. And becoming rich.

I’m glad I read it!

5. Fairy Folktales of Ireland.

This book describes the heritage of the theory that fairy’s are fallen angels of heaven. But lesser degree than the fallen angels that followed Lucifer. Fairies are described as mischevious and clever. Trying to outsmart people.

The book also had different stories about ghosts, afterlife, elves, Banshees, and other mythical creatures. Each story talks about the kingdoms of Ireland. And Prince’s marrying Princess’s. Some were love stories. While some were tragic endings.

Each story describes how magic, and brings love of folklore. It described Ireland traditions and customs. I’m glad I read it. And really would like to read to the kids.

6. Chinese Fairy Tales & Legends.

This book is filled with short stories of China’s culture. Mostly of the poor becoming rich, talking animals, magic, and illustrated themes.

Again, it begins with the poor falling in love and marrying princess’s. Only to find that they are blessed by becoming rich. By magic, smart plots twists, and adventures.

The book also decribed other creatures like ghosts, dragons, and talking animals. I enjoyed these short stories. It’s an easy read. As each story is only two pages for each chapter. You will be skim reading this book. But will be entertained for the time reading it.

I really enjoyed these books. As they were suspensful and entertaining. I hope you enjoyed the discussion of these books. It was an adventure and great beginning of this year’s bookclub 2023!