Hello! I know it’s been a great 2018! Here is some new highlights you can expect for year 2019. You all have been so kind with commenting my site. I am truly blessed to have you all read and enjoy my writing. I know this site has given me new goals. With writing and freelancing. Here are some new things coming to this site.


  1. More stories, and articles. I have to keep the subjects in this blog fresh, new, and exciting.
  2. More pictures in my articles. You have requested to see more pictures and video’s. On my blog posts to give more examples of what I am writing about.
  3. New subject material. I have to have a huge variety of subjects. So you all keep reading. And don’t get bored.
  4. More books on Beauty and Fashion. You all have said that I should continue my work. In my books. I will find more things to write about. And give you all a dose of good quality writing.
  5. This is a family friendly site. Please do not send pornographic comments. I delete them. And is not acceptable on my site. I have a huge children audience. So please do not send links to porno sites. Thank you for understanding.

Thank you all for your kind comments. You all have encouraged me to continue my writing. So let’s start now!  Happy 2019!