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The Big Hair Book!


The Big Hair Book!

Dear Readers,

Hello Everyone! I have added a new book. And it’s all about hair. Here you will indulge in topics about hair. You will learn different hair styles. How to care for your hair types. And you will learn the best tips in caring for your hair.

Everyone has hair. And we all can use a healthy dose of knowledge. In caring for your hair.  What products work best with your hair. Using all-natural products, and saving money. This is going to be fun!


Anjalee Jadav,

Chapter 1:

   What is Hair:

Below is a picture of hair structure. Here we are viewing the parts of the hair, and the correct names, and definitions, for each part of your hair structure.

In the topic about hair, we will examine what hair actually is. Hair is a cell, that is deep inside your dermis. Hair on your head comes from deep inside the skin. Everyone has different hair types. It depends on your genes, and family history. That determines your hair structure. Some people have thick hair, and can grow their hair. Some people have hair that does not grow.  This is the mystery of how a person with thick hair, compared to a person with thin short hair. Can be totally different  from each other.

I come from a family of Indians. So I naturally have thick hair. Indian hair is said to be of worth. Many industries create wigs from Indian hair. It is the most valued when making wigs. And Indian hair has some of the most expensive qualities people look for. When getting wigs, and extensions.

The different natural hair colors are:   “Eumelanin is the dominant pigment in brown hair and black hair, while pheomelanin is dominant in red hair. Blond hair is the result of having little pigmentation in the hair strand. While gray hair occurs when melanin production decreases or stops, and while poliosis is hair (and often the skin to which the hair is attached).” (Wikipedia)

In many cultures sometimes hair is said to be attractive. While hair on the body is under valued. Sometimes people get hair removed from different parts of the body. Some people have thick body hair. And want to remove it. And others don’t have body hair. It depends on your genes. Some cultures like Egyptians don’t like body hair. And their wives have to remove it.  Some of them wax their hair off. Different hair removing practices are: Waxing, Threading, Plucking, Shaving, or Laser Hair Removal. (We will talk about these procedures later in this book).

Hair Types:

Below is a chart that shows all hair types. Andre Walker, Oprah Winfried’s hair stylist created this list. And breaks down the different hair types.

Andre Walker Hair Types
TYPE 1: Straight
1a Straight (Fine/Thin) Hair tends to be very soft, shiny, oily and poor at holding curls, but difficult to damage.
1b Straight (Medium) Hair characterised by volume and body.
1c Straight (Coarse) Hair tends to be bone-straight and difficult to curl. Common in Asian women.
TYPE 2: Wavy
2a Wavy (Fine/Thin) Hair has definite “S” pattern and is usually receptive to a variety of styles.
2b Wavy (Medium) Can tend to be frizzy and a little resistant to styling.
2c Wavy (Coarse) Frizzy or very frizzy with thicker waves; often more resistant to styling.
TYPE 3: Curly
3a Curly (Loose) Curly hair that usually presents a definite “S” pattern and tends to combine thickness, fullness, body and/or frizziness.
3b Curly (Tight) As 3a but with tighter curling like a spiral.
TYPE 4: Kinky
4a Kinky (Soft) Hair tends to be very fragile, tightly coiled and can feature curly patterning.
4b Kinky (Wiry) As 4a but with less visible (or no) curly patterning.
4c Kinky (Wiry) As 4a and 4b but with almost no defined curl pattern.

As individuals people like to style their hair in many ways. If you have straight hair. You can use a curling iron, or perm your hair to be curly. As with curly hair, you can straighten your hair with a flat-iron straightener. ( We will talk about hair styling in the next chapter).

Vitamins are a way to keep your hair healthy. And promotes growth. Here are vital supplements you need to keep your hair intact:

  • Gotu Kola
  • Goji Berry
  • Fo-Ti Root
  • Bladderwrack
  • Nori Yaki
  • OptiMSM
  • Collagen
  • Keratin
  • Hyaluronic Acid
  • Astaxanthin
  • Calcium
  • Zinc
  • Selenium
  • Copper
  • Manganese

As we get older, some people experience hair loss. And knowing these vitamin’s, and nutrients. Is beneficial to keeping your hair growing.  Everyone needs to take a vitamin supplement to keep your hair at its best. Look for these ingredients the next time you shop for food, and vitamin’s.

The best foods for healthy hair are: eggs, oysters, sweet potatoes, lentils, spinach, bell peppers, and salmon.  Including these foods in your diet. You are doing your hair good. As well as keeping healthy skin, and nails. These foods are high in Vitamin C. Which keeps your hair growing.

“For silky hair: Oysters, crabmeat, lean meats, tofu, and beans have loads of iron and zinc — minerals that are crucial for keeping hair smooth.”( Rebecca Harrington)

Chapter 2:

Hair Removal:

Earlier in this book. We talked about Hair Removal techniques. I will show you these procedures in-depth. The first we will talk about is waxing.


Waxing is a procedure many people do to remove unwanted hair. You can wax eyebrows, upper lip, arms, legs, armpits, bikini line, and back. Many men and women get these procedures done. Waxing does hurt, but the pain goes away in like 3 seconds, after it is ripped off. Waxing is done using a waxing strip. Dipped in wax. It is placed on the area, that you want to remove hair. And then they rip it off, by ripping the hair from the area. If you want to try waxing, get it professionally done, by a licensed Esthetician. You don’t want to this at home. You could rip the skin off if you do it yourself. It’s best to have a professional to perform any hair removal technique.


Threading is an art originated from India. And shapes your eyebrows into a beautiful arch. They take thread and they twist, and pluck the hair.  From its root. I had it done many years ago. And my brows were beautifully shaped. It does hurt. But after it’s done. Your brows are gorgeous.


Plucking is a procedure many women do. To pluck their eyebrows. Some women are allergic to the wax. And can’t do waxing. As it irritates their skin. So they pluck the hair one by one. Usually they only do their eyebrows. Now if you have experience to do this. You should know that if you pluck too much. Your hair could stop growing. So if you overly pluck your brows. You could have a disaster. And have to use makeup to create more eyebrow. You want shaped brows. So have someone show you how to do it. Before you try your first attempt to remove hair.


Shaving is painless. And is done by using razors. I use Venus razors, Bic is too sharp for me. And made me bleed. So Venus is better for me. The best way to shave is use hair conditioner to shave with.  The razor smoothly glides on your skin. Leaving your legs soft and silky. When you shave, you cut the hair from the surface of your skin. Leaving smooth legs, and armpits.

Laser Hair Removal:

Laser Hair Removal is more expensive. This technique is done by using laser technology devices. To remove and stop the growth. From the area you want to remove the hair. It takes a couple of times. For the growth of hair to stop growing. But it is said that if you invest in this technique. You will save money in the long run. As you don’t have to buy razors. And cuts the cost down.

Hair Styling for Your Hair Type:

Straight hair:

If you have straight hair, and depending on the thickness of your hair. You would probably go good in braids, and buns.

French Braid Tutorial: Below is a picture of doing a basic French braid. You can learn to do your own hair. Or let someone else do it. However you do it. A French braid is always classy and sophisticated.

How to do a bun: Stock up on Bobby Pins!

If you have straight hair, and want to curl your hair. I would look into a good curling iron. Or, use hot rollers to curl your hair. It’s a matter of preference. Sometimes you may even try to perm your hair. Get a hair stylist you can trust. And knows what they are doing. Get a professional to perm your hair.

Also, if you do a basic braid, at night. And sleep through the night with a braid in your hair. And in the morning, when you undo the braid. You will have a curly wave in your hair.

Curly Hair:

If you have naturally curly hair. You would probably look good with, styling with a barrette. Use accessories to enhance your style.

Your hair is Type 3 if you have light to tight curls that are well-defined and springy.

Your hair is type 3A if your curls have a looping “S” pattern that springs back into shape if you pull them.

Your hair is type 3B if you have smaller, more voluminous curls with a coarse, dense texture.

Your hair is type 3C if you have corkscrews that are dense, coarse, and tightly packed.

With curly hair, you can still do a braid or bun. It gives more texture to the style.

The pictures below is some pretty curly hairstyles. Here you can see accessories added. To enhance the look.

If you want to straighten your hair. I would look into a good hot flat-iron. Like a curling iron. You would straighten your hair, by the strand. Starting from top of the head. To the bottom. The picture below will show you how to section your hair. And using a flat-iron. To straighten your hair.

Wearing Your Hair Down: The pictures below are some down styles. That are pretty. And have a variety, in styling your hair.

Kinky Hair Types:

Kinky Hair Styles, are more common with African-American women. Their hair is very different from other types of hair. Many African-American women have braids done.

The picture below is a woman with Kinky hair. And how it can be worn in a variety of ways.

Chapter 3:

Summer Hair Care:

If your like me when I go swimming, I have to either braid my hair. Or put it into a pony tail (or bun). To avoid tangling.  Also if you’re at the beach. You want it off your neck. While the sun is boiling its rays into our scalp. Causing you to sweat in the back of your neck.

There are many hairstyles for the beach wave. You can curl your hair in soft ringlets. Or put into a braid. There are so many different braids. That if you research it. You will find many different kinds of braids.

Like the Katniss Everdeen Braid. This look is classic. And is very pretty.

Make sure you wash your hair with a shampoo mask that has SPF in it. Even your hair and scalp needs to be protected from the sun’s UV rays.

You can also wear a sun hat to protect your scalp.

Summer time is also a time where a lot of people cut their hair short. It’s easier to manage. And is lighter, and more flattering.  If you think your ready to go for the chop. Choose a hairstyle from a magazine. And show it to the hair stylist. They will help you.

Color Treated Hair:

When you have colortreated hair . The six best shampoos that are specially formulated to prevent color from fading, hydrate chemically dried hair, and add shine, brightness, and depth to your hair’s color.

These are the 6 best shampoo’s to use for Color-Treated Hair:

Tangles & Split Ends:

The best way to get rid of those pesky tangles. Is using a de-tangler ( Like Provana) to comb out your tangles. It makes the knots loosen as you pick the tangles with your comb. Or you can use a conditioner as a de-tangler. And this works also. You want to spend time combing out your tangles as best as you can. Also getting trims, and cuts every 3-6 months will manage the split ends. And it will remove the tangles if you go short. So if you can’t maintain long hair, and the knots are really bad. Consider going short. Then when your hair grows. The tangles will be gone.

Dandruff & Flakes;

Baking soda and conditioner will get rid of flakes. Just mix baking soda and conditioner together. And massage into your scalp. This will hydrate your scalp. And prevents flaking.  Also, if you get flakes. You could be using a shampoo that is not meant for your hair type. Some shampoos create flakes, because they have a lot of synthetic ingredients. So if you get flakes switch to Tea Tree Shampoo, or Head & Shoulders. Also a sign of flakes means you are not rinsing your shampoo all the way. So rinse and repeat as necessary.

Heat Damage:

The best way to keep your hair soft and silky. Is to use a heat protection spray. Before you use your curling and straightening tools. Over time your hair could be getting heat damage. Causing crispy hair. You want to run your fingers through your hair. With out feeling rough hair.  Also I like air drying my hair after I wash my hair. So it’s not so exposed to heat. From a blow dryer.

Permed Hair:

Whenever you get your hair professionally permed. You want to wait 24 hours before you wash your hair. And you have to switch your shampoo. For curly hair. The shampoo’s I recommend are: See pictures Below:

Oily & Greasy Hair:

If you have oily or greasy hair. You are not using the right shampoo for your hair. The shampoo you are using has a lot of oil and synthetic ingredients. So to remedy this, use a dry-shampoo for in between washes. But don’t use dry shampoo every day. Use it sparingly. And this should make your hair improve.

Chapter 4:

Some people like using all natural beauty items. And now I will provide the best organic natural shampoos and conditioners. It’s good to be environmentally friendly. And animal-cruelty free.

See Below:

You might want to try getting your shampoos from health food stores like Sprouts, Trader Joe’s, or online.

Chapter 5:

Hair products are noted to be very expensive. So knowing what you need for your own hair. Can be very time-consuming. Shampoo and conditioner are very expensive. There is no way to get around that. Also the added products, like hair spray, de-tangler, heat protection spray, brushes, combs, and accessories. Are added to the list. I recommend going to Ulta, for your extra items. They always have good sales. And if you catch a clearance sale. You can get a real bargain.

Also, sometimes when you get your hair done in a salon. They may use a product on your hair. To see if you like it. So they may give you a deal. While they style your hair.

Also, the best stores with the lowest prices, are CVS, Walgreen’s, and Wal-Mart. So these stores usually are more convenient to shop in. Then getting your products in a salon.

Also, if you get coupon’s use them. It’s alway’s good to get the latest deals. For your money. If you have it, use it.

The Dollar Tree, or 99 cent store. Are the best way to get hair products. Like burette’s, combs, brushes, and accessories. These are the best stores to shop in. When you are on a tight budget. No one would even notice. They have some very stylish accessories. People wouldn’t tell the difference.

Chapter 6:

This has been a fun journey, researching this information. And hope I guided you all in the right direction. In styling for your hair, and using the right products. I hope you liked it. Please share and comment my work, with others. And this concludes the book: The Big Hair Book!


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